Feedback loop

Developed as a simulation of the creative act. Intended to present the connections and  associations individuals might employ when developing an idea. The work attempts to address a number of questions including, could the process take the form of a social activity similar to “telephone” or “exquisite corpse”? What meanings can be drawn from content when it is separated from its original context? How much control should the user/player have while exploring new visual and verbal associations? Is this an accurate simulation of an individual’s creative act? Does the use imperfect or super perfect knowledge from a system positively or negatively affect the generation of new new and novel ideas?

Google image and site searches provide a feedback loop to study verbal and visual associations, randomness and control, analogue an digital. Final documentation of the process is made by a limited run screen print series.

Concept development, design and production

  • Designed by: John Printy
Feedback loop

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